Remove the Block


The dreaded writer’s block. It happens to all of us. During my first draft of Dust I spent almost an entire month going nowhere. I was stuck in my story and didn’t know where to go. Another time, while writing a magazine article for work, I almost missed my deadline because I couldn’t figure out how to end the article.

Getting over writer’s block is different for each of us. Depending on the day will determine how I get over writer’s block. Writer’s block is like a snowflake each situation is unique in its own way. Meaning that getting over the block will not always end the same. Here are a few things that will help us remove our blocks and continue our writing .

Taking a break is a lifesaver. It’s amazing what a 5 minute break can accomplish. Remove yourself from your writing, do anything else but look at your writing. The short break will give your mind time to rest. The rest can help those ideas flow freely again. If it’s a really bad case of writer’s block it may take a few days before you can get back into the swing of things. If that’s the case taking a break from writing will not help.

If the block is really bad you need to continue writing. Just write something other than your main project. And whatever you do, don’t start a new large project. Write a short story, a poem, or even just random words. This secondary writing allows your mind to remain creatively active while giving your mind a break from the block at the same time.

Always keep something to write on handy. The last thing you want is for your writer’s block to end and not have anything to write your new idea down with. At home I keep a notebook and pen by my bed in case I have a good idea in the middle of the night. I also keep a waterproof notepad in my shower. (That’s right you heard me, waterproof notepad. It’s amazing.) Because some of the best ideas happen in the shower.

Not to mention that I have my phone with me everywhere I go. So when I’m at work or on the go I always can write down an idea and save it for later. Your muse might hit you at the wrong moment, so you always want to be prepared.

Experience something new. Our writing comes from our our own personal experiences. By going out and experiencing new things we add to what we know. Meaning, we add to what we can write. By going on a walk/hike or driving to a part of town that you’ve never been to before we create new memories. If you’re really adventurous try something completely new. Give skydiving a try, take up a new hobby like painting or sculpting, or save your pennies and go on a vacation to some place you’ve never been before.


As a joke I lastly recommend that you get yourself some clothespins. The theory is that using clothespins is a form of acupressure to help relieve writer’s block. To understand the joke and to relive one of the funniest shows from the 80’s watch Alf, Season 1 Episode 14. On Amazon you can buy the episode for $1.99 or the whole season for $4.99. It’s worth the money.

To help get rid of your writer’s block here is a writing prompt for you. As you go through this week listen to the conversations around you. Take a phrase or sentence that you hear and write a one to two page short story using that phrase or sentence.

If you have a topic you would like me to cover send me an email at

Novel Progress
Draft: Third
5.56% Complete

Write On

This week’s message is brought to you by my phone. This is due to me traveling out of town this weekend. My original article was going to be about writer’s block. I’m going to save that for next week. This week is going to be about the opposite, prolific writing.

I always keep something to write with on me at all times. Sometimes it’s my phone other times its pen and paper. Having writing materials on me allows me the ability to write down ideas when I’m on the go.

In the past I’ve had too many occasions where I had an idea for a new story or a new idea for a project I was already working on and I had nothing to write it down on. I would sadly forget that idea, however in the back of my mind I knew it would have been great. The same thing happens when I wake up in the middle of the night and had an amazing dream. I’ll tell myself that I will remember it in the morning. When morning comes its gone.

As writers we need to get our ideas out of our heads and onto paper. While it may be difficult to write when we are not in our designated writing space we still need to find a way to write. Don’t allow those great ideas to slip away.

I didn’t have as much time to write this article as I had hoped. I haven’t even had time to begin editing it. I just made it home from driving all day back from California and I am exhausted. I’m posting this article now, but don’t worry I plan on working on it more and will have a more in-depth article posted before Wednesday.

If anyone was wondering I wrote this article using the Android app OfficeSuite Professional. If you are looking for a good office suite app for your Android phone or tablet this one is worth the money. I’ve been using this one for the last five years.